Days 29-36: Playing Catch Up

Posted: August 4, 2011 in Uncategorized

Summer classes and finals week kicked my ass; hence, me falling behind on posts! I’m not even going to try and catch up, so here’s a summary for Days 29 through 36, conveniently lumped together.   Overall, it was an “OK” week, definitely not my best. On Day 31, after a grueling 2 hour O-chem final, I was in a “glass-case of emotion” (Ron Burgundy reference, anyone?). After investing days and nights of little to no sleep, studying and preparing, I felt pretty confident, that I would, without a doubt, NAIL the exam; especially considering the fact that this is the second time I’m taking O-chem (MCAT review). The exam was brutal to say the least and by the time I was done,  I felt like crying and crawling into a cave with a pint of chocolate ice cream and a big fat bag of Flammin’ Hot Cheetos (my “bad kid” junk foods of choice, what’s yours?).  I came home and in the middle of making a beautiful, 200 calorie, chicken salad for lunch, I decided I wanted to be BAD.  Without thinking twice,  I obeyed the rebellious voice which told me to go and get that bag of Hot Cheetos…and so with great conviction and purpose, that’s exactly what I did!  On top of that, I said NO to working out and hell YES to napping the afternoon away. It was awesome. AND come to find out, I did perfectly fine on the exam…thanks to a generous curve set by a low, class mean :/

I followed up the rest of the week with intermittent fasting and solid workouts. As far as progress goes, I seem to be hitting a stall (which I expected and dreaded) and can’t seem to break the 113 pound mark on the scale. Of course, Day 31 (aka Hot Cheetos Day), followed by a weekend of cavalier calorie counting, didn’t help any. With ten days left and 3-4 more pounds to go, there’s less and less room for “off” days. Pretty much, what I’m trying to say is…I better get my stuff together if I’m going to succeed with this project. I will be pulling out all the stops to make the final push, more on that soon.

29 (Mon) CALORIES 926/CARBS 120/FAT 27/PROTEIN 28 1 hr Kickboxing

Crossfit WOD

5 Rounds

30 KB swings 18#

30 Burpees

30 Abmat situps

Time 24:55

30 (Tues) CALORIES 1336/ CARBS 150/ FAT 37/ PROTEIN 71 1 hr Kickboxing

Crossfit WOD

1 Mile Run in 6:25

(not my best mile time but not bad either)

1 rep max weighted Pull Ups-


31 (Wed) Cheetos Day! Let’s say somewhere close to 2000+ cals? Spooned with my dog, Clyde. Zzzz
32 (Thurs) 24 Hour Fast (water & coffee…elixirs of life) 1 Hr Kickboxing/Sparring

Crossfit WOD

50 slamballs (16#)

10 jump rope/ double unders

40 slamballs (14#)

20 jump rope/double unders

30 slamballs

30 jump rope/ double unders

20 slamballs

40 jump rope/double unders

10 slamballs

50 jump rope/double unders

Time: 13:22

33 (Fri) CALORIES 964/ CARBS 122/ FAT 25/ PROTEIN 31 6 Mile Run in 42:44

Crossfit WOD

50 pull-ups

400m run

21 Thrusters 65#/45#

800m run

21 Thrusters 45#

400m run

50 pull-ups

Time: 27:15

34 (Sat) …approximately 1800 13.6  mile run in 1:51:00No Saturday sparring 😦 Can’t move my head, kink in neck.
35 (Sun) …approximately 1600

Spent 3 hrs at Newhope Gymnastics/Parkour School jumping on trampolines, practicing muscle ups, hand stands, front rolls, front flips into foam pits and running around like a little kid, high on sugar in a huge, padded room. SO MUCH FUN.
36(Mon) 24 Hour Fast 1 Hr Kickboxing

Crossfit WOD

25 Wallballs 14#

25 Box Jumps 20”

25 Medball cleans 14#

25 High Jumps

25 Push Ups

25 DB Press 20#

25 Inch-worms

25 Dips

25 Ring rows

25 KB swings 26#

24 Farmer Carry w/ 26#KB, 50m right hand/50m left hand

25 Pull ups

Time: 34:17

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